Photo Gallery

Union Music Trainee tour in San Francisco in 2007

In April 2007, the Union interns went on an overseas performance tour in San Francisco, California, U.S.A. The first day was spent at a packed jazz club. On the first day, Yasuo Arai (Vo) & Yumi (Vo & P), Michifumi Ogawa (B), and Kazuo Masuda (Ds) performed on stage at a packed jazz club.
The accompanying trainees were invited to a home party at the home of jazz performer Gail Dompson, where they were invited to play, were treated to a feast, and had a blast. It was a wonderful event, and we received messages from all of them saying that they would like to participate every year if the tour was this much fun.

Performance by Yasuo Arai and the Heavens Four Men's Gathering at the Jazz Club "Savannah Yumi Arai Piano Trio Performance
Encore after Jazz performance! At the entrance of Savannah Jazz Club With Ayako Hosokawa at the Jazz Club
Jazz performance at a home party. Happy and thrilled to play! Lots of delicious food and wine. Mr. Dobson! Thanks for the food! Union Square The building in the background is the Crowne Plaza Hotel where we stayed.
At the Napa Valley Wine Cellar Golden Bridge in the background Launching every night in the hotel room